Saab Model Year 2002
MY02 Product Information:
Saab Way 2002 Self-study Guide for On-line
Griffin Test
This book is intended for use by all Saab Dealership Personnel, except technicians, as
an introduction to the Model Year 2002 products. The information in this book is based
on information from the Service Manual update with descriptions of the most important
changes and additions to the Saab 9-5 and 9-3. This publication presents new features
in terms to help you describe them to your customers. Some explanations are technical
in nature to clearly describe how the features work.
• The Griffin Society test must now be taken on-line at www.saab-edu.com*. This
self-study book no longer includes the Griffin Society test, which ALL dealership
personnel (except technicians, who have a separate Griffin Society Test) must pass
in order to qualify for recognition in the 2002 Saab Griffin Society program, as well
as meeting the minimum dealer training standards.
* If you already completed a written version of S02T, you do not have to retake
this test using the eLearning version.
• In order to participate in the 2002 Saab Griffin Society recognition program,
you must successfully PASS the on-line S02T test with a score of 80% or
better. You must participate each year in order to maintain your status –
Bronze, Silver or Gold.
• All Griffin Society and training requirement information can be found on IRIS.
• The prerequisite for this course is the MY01 Self-Study (S01T), which was required
for qualification into the 2001 Griffin Society. If you have not completed the 2001
test, ordering instructions for that test can be found on IRIS.
• The S02T test must be successfully completed during calendar year 2002 to receive
2002 Saab Griffin Society credit and to meet 2002 Dealer Standards.