Saab 5-Sep Automobile User Manual

Under the hood _________________ 201
Uniform tire quality grading
________ 237
Upholstery and trim
______________ 253
Upholstery and trim, care of
_______ 253
Useful tips, ACC
_________________ 83
Vanity mirrors __________________ 131
Vehicle Data Collection
___________ 267
Ventilated front seats
_____________ 15
Viscosity, engine oil
_____________ 272
Warning labels ___________________ 7
Warning light, AIR BAG
___________ 36
Warning lights
___________________ 54
______________________ 213
Washers, windshield
_____________ 214
Washing the car
________________ 254
Waxing and polishing
____________ 255
Wear indicators, tires
____________ 235
Wheel replacement
______________ 238
Wheel, change
_________________ 247
Wheels and tires
________________ 278
Wheels and tires, sizes
___________ 278
When it is time for new tires
_______ 235
Windshield washers
______________ 73
Windshield wipers
________________ 73
Winter tires
________________244, 278
Wiper blades, replacing
__________ 213
Wipers and washers
__________73, 213