Saab 5-Sep Automobile User Manual

117OnStar - Telematics
News Headlines
The OnStar Virtual Advisor will provide cur-
rent headlines for many different catego-
ries, including:
International News Headlines
National News Headlines
Technology Headlines
Business Headlines
Sports Headlines
Entertainment Headlines
E-mail Reader
The OnStar Virtual Advisor allows you to lis-
ten, and soon respond, to your e-mails any
time you want. E-mail availability is based
on the address(es) you provide to OnStar.
Every Virtual Advisor enrollee will receive
an E-mail account.
OnStar Subscriber
If you are an OnStar subscriber, you have
access to the OnStar subscriber website.
The subscriber website will provide you with
important facts about your OnStar subscrip-
tion and allow you to customize your Virtual
Advisor Mobile Profile. All this allows you to
access up-to-the-minute information that
can make your driving experience safer and
more enjoyable.
The subscriber website was designed to
provide you with easy access to personal-
ized information, learn more about OnStar,
update your account information, plan your
travel, receive weather information and
interact with OnStar.
To access the subscriber website, simply go
to, and then click on the
OnStar subscriber link. The OnStar Sub-
scriber website is a secured site that is
password protected. You will be required to
provide your OnStar account number and
personal identification number (PIN). If you
do not know your account number or PIN,
contact OnStar at 1-888-4-ONSTAR. For
security reasons, your PIN will be mailed to
your address on record.
Not withstanding anything contained
herein, OnStar's nonperformance hereun-
der shall be excused if caused by act or
omission of a cellular carrier or a third-party
service provider, equipment failure, acts of
God, strikes, equipment or facility shortage,
or other causes beyond OnStar’s reason-
able control. In addition, the liability of
OnStar, if any, for any mistake, omission,
interruption, delay, error, defect or other fail-
ure in the service furnished, or in the equip-
ment used in furnishing service, shall in no
event exceed the amount of OnStar’s
charges to subscriber for said service
during the period so affected, provided that
no liability shall result for outages of 24
hours or less.
This manual includes the latest information
at the time it was printed. We reserve the
right to make changes to the products and
services without prior notification.
In order to provide you with excellent ser-
vice, any call to the OnStar Center may be
monitored or recorded.
All features may not be available on all mod-
els. Please consult your dealer for details.