Chapter 1: Overview 1-7
Chartplotter Functions
The Chartplotter includes the following functions:
• Display C-MAP NT C-Card chart information including Ports and Tides
(if available)
• View chart information (if available) for the Nearest Port
• Place, Move, Erase and Edit a Waypoint
• Goto Waypoint or Cursor
• Create, Save, Name, Edit and Follow a Route
• Review Route and Waypoint Lists
• Display vessel’s track; Save and Name the Track for re-call to screen
• SmartRoute to make a track into a route
• Measure Chart Distances and Bearings on-screen
• Set Up Alarms and Timers
• Man OverBoard (MOB) to navigate back to a missing person or object
• Differential GPS set up page
Operation of these functions is described in Chapter 3 and Chapter 4.