Chapter 3: Standard Chart Operations 3-25
Displaying Route
Using Route Information to Review Your Passage Plan
You canview datafor allthe waypointsinthe current route,or anysaved route.
You selectthe route fromthe database listand theinformation is displayed ina
Route Information pop-up; the following details are provided for each
Bearing (from previous waypoint)
Length of leg (from previous waypoint)
Total Length
Time (ETA or Elapsed)
Soft keys are provided to toggle the time between ETA or elapsed and to
change the Speed Over Ground (SOG) value; the ETA for each waypoint is
calculated usingthe selected SOG,so youcan change theSOG to determine its
effect on your ETA.
The chart scenario Review YourPassage Plan onpage 2-22 provides asimple
example of how to use the route information.
➤ To display information about any route in the database:
1. Press the ROUTE soft key, followed by MORE,thenpressROUTE LIST.The
route list is displayed. The selection bar indicates the selected route.
2. Usethe trackpad toselectthe required route,then press theROUTE INFO soft
The Route Information pop-up is displayed. As illustrated in Figure 3-8,
this lists the waypoints in the route and details bearing, length of each leg,
total distance, and either the estimated time of arrival (ETA) or the elapsed
The soft keys allow you to toggle between ETA or total (elapsed) time,
and to change the Speed Over Ground (SOG) value used in the time calcu-
lations. The current selections are highlighted.
➤ To change the SOG used for ETA calculations:
1. Press one of the PLANNED SOG keys to switch from actual to planned SOG.
2. Pressthe upor downPLANNED SOG keys to changetheplanned SOG value.
The Time values in the Route Information list are updated.
3. Press the ACTUAL SOG key to use the actual SOG value rather than a
planned one.