36 Ra
marine S1000 Auto
WARNING: Navigation aid
Although we have designed this product to be accurate and
reliable, many factors can affect its performance. As a result,
it should only be used as an aid to navigation and should
never replace common sense and navigational judgement.
Always maintain a permanent watch so you can respond to
situations as they develop.
WARNING: Autopilot controller
If the wireless controller is your only method of operating
the autopilot, ensure that an in-line power switch is fitted to
the autopilot power supply as detailed in the S1000 autopilot
installation guide.
Your S1000 will add a new dimension to your boating enjoyment. However,
it is the skipper’s responsibility to ensure the safety of the boat at all times by
following these basic rules:
• Ensure that someone is present at the helm AT ALL TIMES, to
take manual control in an emergency.
• Make sure that all members of crew know how to disengage the
• Regularly check for other boats and any obstacles to navigation
– no matter how clear the sea may appear, a dangerous situation
can develop rapidly.
• Maintain an accurate record of the boat’s position by using
either a navigation aid or visual bearings.
• Maintain a continuous plot of your boat’s position on a current
chart. Ensure that the locked autopilot heading will steer the
boat clear of all obstacles. Make proper allowance for tidal set –
the autopilot cannot.
• Even when your autopilot is locked onto the desired track using a
navigation aid, always maintain a log and make regular
positional plots. Navigation signals can produce significant