Learning function settings
While inside the Voice Command Learning
screen, touch the “Setting” key to enable the
following items:
● Edit Name:
Edit the user name using the keypad dis-
played on the screen.
● Store Result:
When this item is turned to ON, the voice
recognition system can easily recognize the
user’s voice that it has learned.
● Reset Result:
Resets the user’s voice that the voice recog-
nition system has learned.
● Continuous Learning:
When this item is turned to ON, you can
have the system learn the voice commands
in succession, without selecting commands
one by one.
Press the SETTING button, then touch the “Oth-
ers” key, then touch the “Voice Recognition” key;
the voice recognition settings screen will appear.
Command List:
For information, see “List of help commands”
earlier in this section.
Minimize Voice Feedback:
When this item is enabled (indicator is illumi-
nated), vocal feedback during voice recognition
is reduced when the system is activated.
LHA1001 LHA0884
4-132 Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systems
2008 Armada (wzw)
Owners Manual—USA_English (nna)