Chapter 6: Traveling
Dining, ATM, Gas....
Select the desired POI category.
A list of the nearest POI’s is displayed. Use the Navigation key to scroll the list up or down (if
necessary) and select the desired POI.
The Magellan RoadMate 6000T will calculate a new route to the selected POI from your current
position. When you have arrived at the new destination, you will be prompted to resume
guidance to your original destination. Select
Resume. The Magellan RoadMate 6000T will
calculate the route to your original destination using the Route Method previously selected.
6.15 Finding a Detour Along Your Route
While driving along a route, if you encounter traffic, road construction, or other situation you might need to navigate around,
the Magellan RoadMate 6000T can calculate an alternate route to your destination.
While driving along a route, press the
ENTER key.