Apollo SL50/60 Features
SL50/60 GPS Navigation Features
10 Reversible Flight Plans with 20 Legs
Automatic Waypoint Sequencing
200 User-Defined Waypoints
Nav Displays
Bearing and Distance
Ground Speed and Track Angle
Desired Track and Distance
Internal CDI Display
32-Character High-Intensity Alphanumeric LED Display
Automatic Display Intensity Control
User-Selectable Nav Displays
User-Defineable Distance and Speed Settings:
nm, km (distance)
knots, kph (speed)
Clock and Countdown Timer
Auto/Manual Magnetic Variation Settings
Direct-To Nav Function
Parallel Track
Nearest Waypoint Search
Internal Database of Airports, VORs, NDBs, Intersections,
Frequencies, and Airport Info
Update the database through the serial port
SL50/60 GPS Receiver Performance Specifications
8-Channel Parallel GPS Receiver
Certified TSO C129 Class A2 for En Route and Terminal
Apollo SL50/60 Features