Arrival At the To Waypoint
The arrival message is generated when within 36
seconds of arrival at the current To waypoint. It is
cleared after viewing it; it does not become an old
message after viewing. The arrival condition will
also go away without viewing the message after
crossing the angle bisector.
Not Holding at the To Waypoint
This form of the Arrival Alert is provided when not
holding at the current To waypoint. In addition to
the arrival waypoint identifier, the next leg’s
desired track is shown, when available; otherwise, it
is dashed.
Arrival: SLE Next Dtk: 321
Holding at the To Waypoint
This form of the Arrival Alert is provided when
holding at the current To waypoint.
Arrival: SLE - Holding -
To Waypoint Sequence
When a waypoint sequence occurs and the user has
not viewed the arrival alert, the following alert is
provided if you are traveling faster than 5 knots
(this reduces the chance of nuisance alerts). The
new waypoint, bearing and desired track are
provided. This message does not become an old
message after viewing.
New Wpt: SLE Brg 073 Dtk 069
Auto OBS Crossing Holding Waypoint
When a waypoint on hold is crossed to the From
side the first time, the following message is
provided. If you press ENT, the OBS Desired Track
Message Function