and care
Driving style – good driving and
fuel economy habits
Give consideration to the lists that
follow and you may be able to
change a number of variables and
improve your fuel economy.
• Smooth, moderate operation can
yield up to 10% savings in fuel.
• Steady speeds without stopping
will always give the best fuel
• Idling for long periods of time
(greater than one minute) will
waste fuel.
• Anticipate stopping; slowing
down may eliminate the need to
• Sudden or hard accelerations will
deteriorate fuel economy.
• Slow down gradually.
• Driving at reasonable speeds
(traveling at 105 km/h [65 mph]
uses 15% more fuel than traveling
at 88 km/h [55 mph]).
• Revving the engine before turning
it off will deteriorate fuel economy.
• Use of the air conditioner or
defroster may deteriorate fuel