1. Install fender with fender backup plate (#1) and three 3/8”
x 1-1/2” bolts (#2). Put 3/8” nylon lock nuts (#3) inside of
fender and tighten.
2. Cut nylon wire tie from wiring to brake hose on main frame,
(used for shipping purposes only). Fish the three wires
from main unit through the hole in fender.
Fender Assembly Instructions
3. On the left side, plug in bullet plugs with white to white,
black to brown and yellow to red. On the right side, plug
white to white, black to brown and green to red.
4. With a pliers, install two wire clamps on fender. From rear
of fender lip, install one clamp at 5-1/2” and one at 8”.
5. Mount the mud flaps (#4) to the inside back of the fender
using two 1/4" x 3/4" truss head bolts (#5) with flat washers
(#6) and lock nuts (#7). Make sure the Kar Kaddy logo on
the flap faces the rear.