Planning for Initial Software Use
The software allows for several layers of classification, and for different
degrees of detail in accounting for driver and vehicle information. We
recommend thinking about the following items so that you can tailor FMS to
your needs.
• Define Location (Required) — Define multiple locations, keeping in mind
that you can only manage data one location at a time. All operations like
database browsing and reporting are displayed with respect to the current
location. Multiple locations can be organized and managed, via tools like
the Corporate Structure dialog box.
• Define Fleets (Optional) — Track separate groups of vehicles at the same
location by assigning these groups of vehicles to different fleets. Fleets can
be created when you first set up your database or can be added at any time.
• Define Driver Groups (Optional) — Track separate groups of drivers at
the same location, by assigning these groups of drivers to driver groups.
Driver groups can be set up when you first create your database or can be
added at any time.
• Define Trip Addresses (Optional) — Create a list of trip addresses for
frequently visited clients, delivery points, or other routine destinations.
• Password Protection (Optional) — Protect all or parts of the data from
unauthorized viewing and alteration. DriveRight FMS password protection
allows you to define each individual user’s level of access to the data. If no
users are defined then all users will have complete access to all software
functions and to the data.
First Time Running the Software
To start the program, double-click the shortcut icon on the desktop or select
DriveRight Software from the Start menu.
Note: This manual uses the notation “Select File->Import->Fleets…” for menu commands.
The first part of the notation (“File”) represents the menu name, the second part (“Import”)
the sub-menu name (where applicable), and the final part (“Fleets”) the command name.
Initial Program Configuration
The first time you run DriveRight FMS, you will be required to perform the
following steps to register and configure the software.
1. Enter your 8-digit registration number.
A dialog box will prompt you for your 8-digit registration number. You can
find the registration number on the software registration card and on the
cover of this manual.