This Operator's Guide has been pre-
pared to acquaint the owner/operator
of a new vehicle with the various ve-
hicle controls, maintenance and safe
operating instructions. It is indispens-
able for the proper use of the product.
This Operator's Guide uses the follow-
ing symbols.
Indicates a potential hazard that, if
not avoided, could result in serious
injury or death.
CAUTION: Denotes an instruction
which, if not followed, could se-
verely damage vehicle compo-
Indicates supplementary infor-
mation needed to fully complete an in-
Although the mere reading of such in-
formation does not eliminate the haz-
ard, the understanding and application
of the information will promote the
correct use of this vehicle.
To fully appreciate the pleasures, en-
joyment and excitement of using this
vehicle, there are some basic rules
that MUST be observed and followed
by any user.