Convenience Net
If your vehicle has a convenience net, the convenience
net attaches to the floor or back wall of the rear of
the vehicle using six anchor points. The net can be
used like a hammock across the rear of the vehicle or
hooked on the floor. Put small loads, like grocery
bags, behind the net. It can help keep them from falling
over during sharp turns or quick starts and stops.
The net is not for larger, heavier loads. Store them in
the rear of the vehicle as far forward as you can.
Cargo Cover
If your vehicle has a cargo cover, you can use it to
cover items in the rear of the vehicle. Pull the cover
from the passenger’s side to the driver’s side and slide
the ends into the slots to secure it. When it is not in
use, take the ends out of the slots and allow the cover
to roll back up.
Cargo Management System
Your vehicle may have a cargo management system.
It provides extra storage space for the rear of the
The cargo management system has three
compartments. The one closest to the front of the
vehicle opens from behind the second row. The center
compartment has a divider. The compartment closest
to the rear of the vehicle has a removable storage bin.
Sunroof (UltraView)
People who are in a crash and not wearing a
safety belt properly can suffer much worse
injuries. They can hit things inside the vehicle
or be ejected from it, and be seriously injured or
killed. This is true for any vehicle occupant, in
any motor vehicle, but if you have the Ultraview
roof it is, if anything, even more important. In a
rollover or other crash, the Ultraview roof can
be damaged or destroyed. People who are
unbelted would then be at even greater risk
of being ejected from the vehicle. Always
fasten your safety belt, and check that your
passengers’ belts are fastened properly too.