558D150 (12
Standard and Alernate Belt-Drive Motors
External Static Pressure (in. wg)
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2
Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts
3750 661 1.16 1097 721 1.36 1255 774 1.55 1415 821 1.72 1556 867 1.90 1709 911 2.13 1905
3800 668 1.20 1129 727 1.40 1291 780 1.60 1456 827 1.77 1598 873 1.95 1751 916 2.18 1948
3900 683 1.28 1194 741 1.49 1365 793 1.70 1540 839 1.88 1691 884 2.05 1836 927 2.28 2035
4000 697 1.37 1267 754 1.59 1448 806 1.80 1624 851 1.99 1785 895 2.16 1931 938 2.38 2123
4100 711 1.46 1340 767 1.69 1531 819 1.90 1708 864 2.10 1879 907 2.28 2035 949 2.49 2219
4200 726 1.56 1423 780 1.80 1624 832 2.01 1802 877 2.22 1983 919 2.41 2149 960 2.60 2316
4300 741 1.66 1506 794 1.91 1717 845 2.12 1897 889 2.35 2096 931 2.54 2263 971 2.72 2433
4400 755 1.77 1598 808 2.03 1819 858 2.24 2000 902 2.48 2210 943 2.68 2387 983 2.86 2548
4500 770 1.89 1700 821 2.15 1923 871 2.37 2114 915 2.61 2325 955 2.82 2512 995 3.01 2683
4600 784 2.00 1794 835 2.27 2027 884 2.49 2219 928 2.75 2450 968 2.96 2638 1006 3.17 2828
4700 799 2.13 1905 849 2.40 2140 897 2.63 2343 941 2.88 2566 981 3.11 2773 1018 3.32 2964
4800 814 2.25 2009 863 2.53 2254 910 2.77 2468 954 3.02 2692 993 3.27 2919 1030 3.48 3111
4900 829 2.39 2131 877 2.67 2378 923 2.92 2602 967 3.17 2828 1006 3.43 3065 1043 3.65 3267
5000 843 2.52 2246 892 2.81 2503 937 3.08 2746 980 3.32 2964 1019 3.60 3221 1055 3.82 3424
5100 858 2.67 2378 906 2.95 2629 950 3.24 2891 993 3.48 3111 1032 3.76 3368 1068 4.00 3590
5200 873 2.82 2512 920 3.10 2764 963 3.40 3037 1006 3.65 3267 1045 3.93 3525 1081 4.19 3767
5300 888 2.97 2647 934 3.26 2910 977 3.57 3193 1019 3.82 3424 1058 4.11 3692 1094 4.38 3943
5400 903 3.13 2792 949 3.43 3065 991 3.75 3359 1032 4.00 3590 1071 4.29 3860 1106 4.57 4120
5500 918 3.30 2946 963 3.59 3212 1004 3.92 3516 1045 4.18 3757 1084 4.47 4027 1119 4.77 4307
5600 933 3.47 3101 978 3.77 3377 1018 4.11 3692 1058 4.38 3943 1097 4.66 4204 1132 4.97 4493
5700 948 3.65 3267 992 3.95 3544 1032 4.30 3869 1072 4.58 4130 1110 4.86 4391 1145 5.18 4689
5800 963 3.83 3433 1006 4.14 3720 1046 4.50 4055 1085 4.79 4326 1123 5.07 4586 1158 5.39 4884
5900 978 4.00 3590 1021 4.34 3906 1060 4.69 4232 1098 5.01 4531 1136 5.28 4782 1171 5.60 5078
6000 993 4.22 3795 1035 4.54 4093 1074 4.91 4419 1112 5.23 4735 1149 5.50 4986 — — —
6100 1008 4.42 3981 1050 4.75 4288 1089 5.10 4616 1125 5.45 4939 1162 5.73 5198 — — —
6200 1023 4.63 4176 1065 4.96 4484 1103 5.32 4819 1139 5.68 5152 — — — — — —
6250 1031 4.74 4279 1072 5.08 4591 1141 5.43 4921 — — — — — — — — —
558D150 (12
TON) (cont)
Standard and Alternate Belt-Drive Motors
External Static Pressure (in. wg)
1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0
Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts
3750 955 2.33 2075 996 2.53 2251 1035 2.72 2419 1070 2.89 2575
3800 959 2.38 2123 1001 2.58 2299 1040 2.78 2476 1075 2.96 2638
3900 969 2.50 2228 1010 2.70 2405 1049 2.91 2593 1085 3.11 2773
4000 979 2.62 2334 1020 2.83 2521 1059 3.04 2710 1095 3.25 2901
4100 989 2.74 2441 1029 2.96 2638 1068 3.18 2837 1105 3.39 3028
4200 1000 2.86 2548 1039 3.10 2764 1077 3.31 2955 1114 3.54 3166
4300 1011 2.97 2647 1049 3.23 2882 1087 3.46 3092 1124 3.69 3304
4400 1022 3.10 2764 1059 3.37 3010 1097 3.61 3230 1133 3.84 3442
4500 1033 3.23 2882 1070 3.51 3138 1107 3.76 3368 1143 4.00 3590
4600 1044 3.37 3010 1081 3.64 3258 1117 3.92 3516 1152 4.17 3748
4700 1056 3.52 3147 1092 3.78 3387 1127 4.07 3655 1162 4.33 3897
4800 1057 3.69 3304 1103 3.93 3525 1138 4.23 3804 1172 4.50 4055
4900 1079 3.87 3470 1114 4.09 3674 1149 4.37 3934 1182 4.68 4223
5000 1091 4.05 3637 1126 4.25 3822 1160 4.53 4083 1193 4.85 4382
5100 1103 4.23 3804 1137 4.45 4009 1171 4.70 4242 1204 5.01 4531
5200 1115 4.42 3981 1149 4.65 4195 1182 4.91 4409 1215 5.18 4689
5300 1127 4.62 4167 1161 4.85 4382 1194 5.07 4586 1226 5.36 4856
5400 1139 4.82 4354 1173 5.06 4577 1205 5.29 4791 1237 5.55 5032
5500 1152 5.03 4549 1185 5.27 4772 1217 5.51 4995 1248 5.75 5216
5600 1165 5.24 4746 1197 5.49 4976 1229 5.74 5207 — — —
5700 1178 5.46 4949 1209 5.72 5189 — — — — — —
5800 —— ———— —— — ———
5900 ——— —— — ——— ———
6000 ——— —— — ——— ———
6100 ——— —— — ——— ———
6200 ——— —— — ——— ———
6250 ——— —— — ——— ———
Bhp — Brake Horsepower Input to Fan
FIOP — Factory-Installed Option
Watts — Input Watts to Motor
1. Boldface indicates a field-supplied or alternate (as appropriate) drive is re-
quired. (See Note 9.)
2. indicates alternate motor and drive are required.
3. indicates field-supplied motor and drive are required.
indicates maximum usable bhp/watts of standard motor.
5. indicates maximum usable bhp/watts of alternate motor.
6. Maximum usable watts input is 3775 with standard motor and 4400 with al-
ternate motor. Maximum continuousbhp is 4.20with standard motor and5.25
with alternate motor. Extensive motor and electrical testing on these units en-
sures that the full range of the motor can be utilized with confidence. Using
your fan motors up to the wattage ratings shown will not result in nuisance
tripping or premature motor failure. Unit warranty will not be affected. For ad-
ditional information on motor performance, refer to Evaporator-Fan Motor
Performance table on page 62.
7. Values include losses for filters, unit casing, and wet coils. See page 47 for
accessory/FIOP static pressure information.
8. Use of a field-supplied motor may affect wire sizing. Contact your local rep-
resentative for details.
9. Standard motor drive range: 860 to 1080 rpm. Alternate motor drive range:
900 to 1260 rpm. All other rpms require field-supplied drive.
10. Interpolation is permissible. Do not extrapolate.
11. Minimum allowable cfm is 300 cfm/ton.