558D090 (7
Standard Belt-Drive Motor
External Static Pressure (in. wg)
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2
Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts
2250 511 0.52 539 592 0.74 708 659 0.95 875 722 1.19 1072 778 1.43 1275 829 1.68 1491
2300 518 0.55 562 599 0.77 731 665 0.98 899 727 1.22 1097 783 1.47 1310 834 1.72 1526
2400 534 0.61 607 613 0.84 787 677 1.06 965 738 1.30 1165 794 1.55 1378 844 1.81 1604
2500 549 0.67 653 627 0.90 835 690 1.14 1031 750 1.38 1233 805 1.64 1456 855 1.91 1691
2550 557 0.71 684 633 0.94 867 697 1.18 1064 756 1.42 1267 811 1.69 1499 861 1.96 1735
2600 565 0.74 708 639 0.97 891 703 1.22 1097 761 1.46 1301 816 1.74 1543 866 2.01 1779
2700 581 0.81 763 652 1.04 948 717 1.31 1173 773 1.55 1378 827 1.83 1621 878 2.12 1875
2800 597 0.89 827 665 1.12 1014 733 1.40 1250 786 1.66 1473 839 1.93 1709 889 2.23 1971
2900 613 0.97 891 679 1.20 1081 745 1.50 1335 799 1.76 1560 850 2.04 1805 900 2.34 2067
3000 629 1.06 965 694 1.29 1156 759 1.59 1413 812 1.88 1665 862 2.15 1901 911 2.46 2171
3100 646 1.15 1039 709 1.39 1241 772 1.70 1508 825 1.99 1761 875 2.28 2015 923 2.58 2275
3200 662 1.25 1123 724 1.50 1335 785 1.80 1595 840 2.11 1866 887 2.41 2128 934 2.71 2386
3300 679 1.35 1207 740 1.61 1430 798 1.91 1691 854 2.24 1980 900 2.54 2240 946 2.85 2504
3400 696 1.46 1301 756 1.73 1534 811 2.02 1788 868 2.37 2093 914 2.69 2369 959 3.00 2629
3500 712 1.57 1396 771 1.85 1639 824 2.14 1892 881 2.50 2206 928 2.84 2495 971 3.16 2759
3600 729 1.69 1499 787 1.98 1753 839 2.21 2006 894 2.64 2326 942 2.99 2620 984 3.22 2886
3700 746 1.85 1613 803 2.12 1875 854 2.42 2136 907 2.78 2445 956 3.15 2751 997 3.49 3017
3750 755 1.89 1674 811 2.20 1945 862 2.49 2197 914 2.85 2504 963 3.23 2815 — — —
558D090 (7
TON) (cont)
Standard Belt-Drive Motor
External Static Pressure (in. wg)
1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0
Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts
2250 884 1.97 1744 937 2.33 2058 947 2.66 2343 1022 3.10 2710
2300 885 2.00 1770 939 2.36 2084 979 2.69 2369 1025 3.12 2727
2400 892 2.08 1840 944 2.40 2119 987 2.76 2428 1039 3.20 2791
2500 902 2.18 1927 949 2.48 2188 1002 2.84 2495 1041 3.25 2831
2550 908 2.24 1980 953 2.53 2232 1003 2.87 2521 1045 3.28 2854
2600 913 2.29 2023 957 2.58 2275 1004 2.91 2554 1050 3.31 2878
2700 924 2.40 2120 967 2.70 2377 1010 3.01 2637 1056 3.37 2925
2800 935 2.52 2223 978 2.62 2479 1019 3.13 2735 1061 3.47 3002
2900 946 2.65 2335 989 2.96 2595 1030 3.27 2847 — — —
3000 957 2.78 2445 1000 3.09 2702 1040 3.41 2956 — — —
3100 968 2.91 2554 1011 3.24 2832 — — — — — —
3200 980 3.04 2661 1022 3.38 2933 — — — — — —
3300 991 3.18 2775 — — — — — — — — —
3400 1003 3.32 2886 — — — — — — — — —
3500 1014 3.48 3009 — — — — — — — — —
3600 ——— —— — —— — —— —
3700 ——— —— — —— — —— —
3750 ——— —— — —— — —— —
Bhp — Brake Horsepower Input to Fan
FIOP — Factory-Installed Option
Watts — Input Watts to Motor
1. Boldface indicates a field-supplied drive is required. (See Note 9.)
2. indicates alternate drive is required.
3. indicates field-supplied motor and drive are required.
indicates maximum usable bhp/watts of standard drive.
indicates maximum usable bhp/watts of alternate drive.
6. Maximum usable watts input is 2120 and maximum continuous bhp
is 2.40. Extensive motor and electrical testing on these units
ensures that the full range of the motor can be utilized with confi-
dence. Using your fan motors up to the wattage ratings shown will
not result in nuisance tripping or premature motor failure. Unit war-
ranty will not be affected. For additional information on motor per-
formance refer to Evaporator-Fan Motor Performance table on
page 62.
7. Values include losses for filters, unit casing, and wet coils. See
page 47 for accessory/FIOP static pressure information.
8. Use of a field-supplied motor may affect wire sizing. Contact your
local representative for details.
9. Standard drive range: 590 to 840 rpm. Alternate drive range: 685 to
935 rpm. All other rpms require field-supplied drive.
10. Interpolation is permissible. Do not extrapolate.
11. Minimum allowable cfm is 300 cfm/ton.