558D120 (10 TON)
Standard and Alternate Belt-Drive Motors
External Static Pressure (in. wg)
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2
Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts
3000 532 0.64 630 605 0.81 763 670 0.97 891 725 1.12 1014 778 1.28 1148 825 1.43 1275
3100 544 0.70 677 616 0.86 803 680 1.03 940 735 1.20 1081 787 1.36 1216 835 1.52 1353
3200 557 0.75 716 628 0.93 859 690 1.10 998 746 1.28 1148 796 1.44 1284 844 1.61 1430
3300 570 0.81 763 639 0.99 907 700 1.18 1064 757 1.36 1216 805 1.52 1353 854 1.70 1508
3400 583 0.88 818 651 1.06 965 711 1.25 1123 767 1.44 1284 815 1.61 1430 863 1.79 1587
3500 596 0.94 867 663 1.14 1031 721 1.33 1190 777 1.52 1353 826 1.71 1517 871 1.88 1665
3600 609 1.01 924 674 1.22 1097 732 1.42 1267 787 1.61 1430 836 1.80 1595 880 1.98 1753
3700 622 1.09 989 686 1.30 1165 744 1.50 1335 797 1.70 1508 847 1.91 1691 890 2.09 1849
3800 635 1.16 1047 698 1.39 1241 755 1.59 1413 808 1.80 1595 857 2.01 1779 901 2.20 1945
3900 649 1.25 1123 713 1.48 1318 767 1.68 1491 818 1.90 1683 867 2.11 1866 912 2.32 2050
4000 662 1.33 1190 722 1.57 1396 778 1.78 1578 829 2.01 1779 878 2.22 1962 922 2.44 2203
4100 675 1.42 1267 734 1.67 1482 790 1.89 1674 839 2.12 1875 888 2.33 2058 933 2.56 2309
4200 689 1.52 1353 746 1.77 1569 801 1.99 1761 851 2.23 1971 898 2.45 2212 943 2.69 2424
4300 702 1.61 1430 759 1.88 1665 813 2.11 1866 862 2.34 2067 908 2.58 2326 953 2.81 2533
4400 715 1.72 1526 772 1.99 1761 825 2.22 1962 873 2.46 2221 919 2.71 2442 963 2.94 2651
4500 729 1.83 1621 785 2.10 1858 837 2.35 2076 885 2.59 2335 929 2.85 2569 973 3.08 2782
4600 742 1.94 1718 797 2.22 1962 848 2.48 2238 896 2.72 2451 940 2.98 2688 984 3.22 2914
4700 756 2.06 1823 810 2.34 2067 860 2.61 2353 908 2.86 2578 951 3.12 2727 994 3.38 3068
4800 770 2.18 1927 823 2.46 2221 872 2.75 2505 919 3.00 2707 963 3.27 2847 1003 3.43 3202
4900 783 2.31 2041 836 2.60 2344 884 2.89 2605 931 3.14 2838 974 3.41 2956 1013 3.59 3349
5000 797 2.44 2203 849 2.73 2460 897 3.04 2661 943 3.30 2870 984 3.44 3211 1023 3.75 3501
558D120 (10 TON) (cont)
Standard and Alternate Belt-Drive Motors
External Static Pressure (in. wg)
1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0
Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts
3000 874 1.60 1422 926 1.82 1613 974 2.11 1920 1012 2.41 2134
3100 880 1.68 1491 933 1.87 1656 983 2.16 1963 1017 2.44 2177
3200 888 1.77 1569 934 1.94 1718 988 2.18 1980 1025 2.47 2230
3300 897 1.86 1648 940 2.03 1853 989 2.24 2031 1032 2.53 2282
3400 907 1.97 1744 947 2.14 1946 991 2.32 2099 1038 2.57 2318
3500 916 2.07 1831 956 2.25 2039 997 2.43 2195 1043 2.64 2380
3600 926 2.18 1927 966 2.41 2134 1004 2.54 2291 1045 2.74 2478
3700 934 2.28 2015 976 2.48 2238 1013 2.66 2397 1051 2.85 2569
3800 943 2.41 2160 985 2.60 2334 1023 2.79 2514 1059 2.98 2688
3900 952 2.51 2265 994 2.72 2451 1032 2.92 2633 1068 3.12 2819
4000 962 2.63 2371 1003 2.84 2560 1042 3.06 2763 1078 3.26 2952
4100 973 2.77 2496 1011 2.97 2679 1051 3.20 2895 1087 3.41 3097
4200 983 2.91 2624 1021 3.11 2810 1060 3.34 3029 1090 3.51 3276
4300 994 3.05 2754 1031 3.25 2943 1068 3.48 3166 1097 3.70 3453
4400 1004 3.19 2885 1042 3.41 3097 1080 3.63 3388 1105 3.91 3642
4500 1015 3.33 2020 1051 3.45 3218 1090 3.75 3493 1112 4.12 3843
4600 1025 3.48 3166 1060 3.61 3369 1100 3.92 3655 1119 4.35 4057
4700 1037 3.58 3335 1070 3.84 3325 1111 4.10 3822 1126 4.59 4284
4800 1048 3.75 3494 1080 3.95 3686 1121 4.28 3995 1133 4.85 4523
4900 1060 3.92 3659 1089 4.13 3854 1132 4.48 4174 1140 5.12 4775
5000 1072 4.11 3830 1099 4.32 4027 1144 4.67 4359 1147 5.40 5040
Bhp — Brake Horsepower Input to Fan
FIOP — Factory-Installed Option
Watts — Input Watts to Motor
1. Boldface indicates a field-supplied or alternate (as appropriate)
drive is required. (See Note 9.)
2. indicates alternate motor and drive are required.
3. indicates field-supplied motor and drive are required.
indicates maximum usable bhp/watts of standard motor.
5. indicates maximum usable bhp/watts of alternate motor.
6. Maximum usable watts input is 2120 with standard motor and 2615
with alternate motor. Maximum continuous bhp is 2.40 with
standard motor and 2.90 with alternate motor. Extensive motor and
electrical testing on these units ensures that the full range of the
motor can be utilized with confidence. Using your fan motors up to
the wattage ratings shown will not result in nuisance tripping or pre-
mature motor failure. Unit warranty will not be affected. For addi-
tional information on motor performance, refer to Evaporator-Fan
Motor Performance table on page 62.
7. Values include losses for filters, unit casing, and wet coils. See
page 47 for accessory/FIOP static pressure information.
8. Use of a field-supplied motor may affect wire sizing. Contact your
local representative for details.
9. Standard motor drive range: 685 to 935 rpm. Alternate motor drive
range: 835 to 1085 rpm. All other rpms require field-supplied drive.
10. Interpolation is permissible. Do not extrapolate.
11. Minimum allowable cfm is 300 cfm/ton.