Avital 834002 Automobile Alarm User Manual

© 2005 Directed Electronics, Inc. Vista, CA
This wire sends a negative pulse every time the remote start shuts down or the doors are locked. This can be used to
pulse the arm wire of the vehicle's factory anti-theft device. Use a relay to send a (-) or (+) pulse to the arm wire.
Connect this wire to the wire in the vehicle that sends the signal to turn on the WAIT-TO-START bulb in the dash-
board. In most diesels the wire is negative (ground turns on the bulb) and the GRAY/BLACK wire can be directly
connected to the wire in the vehicle. If the vehicle uses a positive wire (12V to turn on the bulb) a relay must
be used to change the polarity. (See
Finding the Wires You Need
section of this guide.) Here are some common
colors of this wire:
Chevrolet and GMC trucks - Light blue or dark blue
Ford Trucks - Black/pink
Dodge Ram Trucks - Orange/black or black/orange
A 1-amp diode must be installed in line on the factory wire between the wait-to-start indi-
cator and the ECM. (See the following diagram for details.)
HH22//55 GGRREEYY//BBLLAACCKK ((--)) ddiieesseell wwaaiitt--ttoo--ssttaarrtt bbuullbb iinnppuutt
HH22//44 GGRREEEENN//WWHHIITTEE ((--)) ffaaccttoorryy aallaarrmm rreeaarrmm