Apex Digital 16 series Automobile Parts User Manual

Volumetric Flow Meters Under Pressure
V Series Volumetric Flow Meters are intended for use in low pressure applications. This is
because an accurate measurement of the volumetric ow rate by means of differential pressure
requires the ow at the differential pressure sensor to be in a laminar state. The state of the ow
is quantied by what is known as the Reynolds Number. If the Reynolds Number gets above a
certain point, generally accepted as approximately 2000, the ow will become non-laminar. The
Reynolds Number for a given Newtonian uid ow is dened as:
Re = ρVL/η
Where: ρ = density
V = average velocity
L = Constant determined by length and geometry of passage
η = absolute viscosity
From this relationship we see that increasing the gas density or velocity increases the Reynolds
Number, and increasing the gas viscosity decreases the Reynolds number. For a given gas in
a given meter at a given temperature, L and η are roughly xed constants.
For the purpose of illustration, let us put two 100 (S)LPM ow meters, identical in every way
except that one is a volumetric ow meter and one is a mass ow meter, in series with one
another in a pipeline. Now let us pass a small constant air ow through the meters, thus xing
the velocity V though both meters. With the ow xed, let us begin increasing the pressure,
and thus the density ρ. The mass ow meter, which is measuring the absolute pressure and
compensating for the density change registers this pressure increase as an increase in mass
ow rate because the number of molecules of gas keeps going up in the xed volume of ow.
In addition, the Reynolds number has increased proportionately with the pressure increase
because the density goes up with the pressure. If you increase the pressure high enough,
the mass ow meter will max out at 100 SLPM, the Reynolds number has increased fairly
dramatically, and the volumetric meter still registers your small xed ow rate.
Now if we maintain the higher pressure and try to take the volumetric meter up to its published
full scale ow of 100 LPM, our density ρ AND our velocity V will be high, which often results
in a high Reynolds number and non-laminar ow. When the ow is non-laminar, the Poiseuille
Equation upon which we base our volumetric ow measurement is no longer valid and the
meter reading is therefore no longer valid.
Gas properties also need to be taken into account in deciding whether you can use a volumetric
ow meter at a particular line pressure. Helium, which has a relatively low density and a
relatively high viscosity at standard conditions, can generally get away with higher pressures in
a volumetric ow meter. Propane, on the other hand, has a relatively high density and relatively
low viscosity making it a considerably more difcult gas to measure at higher pressures in a
volumetric ow meter. In air, most volumetric meters make valid full scale measurements up to
10-15 PSIG line pressure.