Apex Digital 16 series Automobile Parts User Manual

Flashing Error Message: Our volumetric ow meters and controllers display an error message (VOV
= volumetric overrange) when a measured parameter exceeds the range of the sensors in the device.
When any item ashes on the display, the ashing parameter is not accurate. Reducing the value of the
ashing parameter to within specied limits will return the unit to normal operation and accuracy.
Select Menu Mode
Pushing “Mode” once will bring up the “Select Menu” display (Figure 7, page 12). Push the button near-
est your selection to go to the corresponding display. Push “Mode” again to return to the Main Mode
display. (Note: If your meter was ordered with Totalizing Mode option (page 36), pushing the “Mode”
button once will bring up the “Totalizing Mode” display. Pushing “Mode” a second time will bring up the
“Select Menu” display.)
Gas Select Mode
The Gas Select Mode is accessed by pressing the button above “Gas Select” on the Select Menu
display. The display will appear as shown in Figure 8 (page 12). The selected gas is displayed on the
default main mode display as shown in Figure 11, and is indicated by the arrow in the gas select mode
display in Figure 8. To change the selected gas, use the buttons under “UP” and “DOWN” or those
above “PgUP” and “PgDWN” to position the arrow in front of the desired gas. When the mode is cycled
back to the main mode, the selected gas will be displayed on the main display.
Note: Gas Select Mode may not be available for units ordered for use with a custom gas or blend.
Communication Select Mode
The Communication Select mode is accessed by pressing the button below “Comm. RS-232” on the
Select Menu display. Please see page 13 for Communication Select mode instructions.
Manufacturer Data
“Manufacturer Data” is accessed by pressing the “Mfg. Data” button on the Select Menu display (Figure
7, page 12). The “Mfg 1” display shows the name and telephone number of the manufacturer. The“Mfg 2”
display shows important information about your ow meter including the model number, serial number,
and date of manufacture (Figure 10, page 14).
RS-232 Output and Input
Conguring HyperTerminal®:
Open your HyperTerminal® RS-232 terminal program (installed under the “Accessories” menu on
all Microsoft Windows operating systems).
Select “Properties” from the le menu.
Click on the “Congure” button under the “Connect To” tab. Be sure the program is set for: 19,200
baud (or matches the baud rate selected in the RS-232 communications menu on the meter) and
an 8-N-1-None (8 Data Bits, No Parity, 1 Stop Bit, and no Flow Control) protocol.
Under the “Settings” tab, make sure the Terminal Emulation is set to ANSI or Auto Detect.
Click on the “ASCII Setup” button and be sure the “Send Line Ends with Line Feeds” box is not
checked and the “Echo Typed Characters Locally” box and the “Append Line Feeds to Incoming
Lines” boxes are checked. Those settings not mentioned here are normally okay in the default
Save the settings, close HyperTerminal® and reopen it.
In Polling Mode, the screen should be blank except the blinking cursor. In order to get the data streaming