Apex Digital 16 series Automobile Parts User Manual

10/24/06 Rev. 0 DOC-APEXMAN16
Notice: The manufacturer reserves the right to make any changes and improvements
to the products described in this manual at any time and without notice. This manual
is copyrighted. This document may not, in whole or in part, be copied, reproduced,
translated, or converted to any electronic medium or machine readable form, for
commercial purposes, without prior written consent from the copyright holder.
Note: Although we provide assistance on our products both personally and through
our literature, it is the complete responsibility of the user to determine the suitability
of any product to their application.
The manufacturer does not warrant or assume responsibility for the use of its
products in life support applications or systems.
Wide-Range Laminar Flow Element Patent:
The wide-range laminar ow element and products using the wide-range laminar
ow element are covered by U.S. Patent Number: 5,511,416. Manufacture or use of
the wide-range laminar ow element in products other than products licensed under
said patent will be deemed an infringement.