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Select Routing in the Options menu. In the
Routing screen, vehicle type options are
Automobile or RV. RV routes favor major
roads and avoid sharp turns and U-turns
wherever possible.
CoPilot’s Quickest routing type is based on
the most practical route in terms of road
quality, terrain, and urban/rural classifications.
Shortest routing travels the least distance
where possible while maintaining some level
of practicality.
More routing options are:
Avoid Tolls — Check to avoid tolls wherever possible and practical.
International Borders Open — (North America only) Check to have
CoPilot route across international borders. When this option is turned off,
your route won’t cross borders even when it would be more practical.
Select Map in the Options menu. Settings
in the Map options screen are:
Unit — Use the pick list to choose Miles or
Kilometers as the unit of distance.
Map Rotation — Choose Heading Up to
have the map display always track your
position moving upward, or North Up to
always maintain north at the top of the map
as you drive.
Select Live in the Options menu.
CoPilot Live allows you to maintain two-way
communication with drivers who are using
CoPilot and to actually see where they are
currently located. You can do this using a
computer with CoPilot installed or from our
CoPilot Live web page.
See CoPilot Live Communications, p. 73-75,
for a complete description of these features.
Map Colors — CoPilot offers Day and Night display modes. Colors are
darker and glare is reduced in Night mode. Choose Automatic to have the
mode switch automatically according to time of day.
Display POIs — Check to display Points of Interest (POI) on the map. If
your map is too cluttered, you may want to turn this option off.
Display Turn Restrictions — When checked, one-way streets and other
turn restrictions are noted on the map.
Select Guidance in the Options menu. In
the Guidance screen, the settings under
Audio Turn Warnings determine how often
and where CoPilot will give you next turn
information out loud. All, none, or some
boxes can be checked. A pick list gives the
options for Just Ahead: by default you will
be alerted 5 sec/100 ft before every turn (5
seconds or 100 feet, whichever is closest),
but you can choose to have CoPilot speak to
you sooner (from 2 - 8 seconds before each
turn, or 100 feet).
The pick list under Custom Display (you need to scroll down to see it)
includes display options for the customizable data line in the Safety View
guidance screen. You can choose to have this line display the next stop
(destination), current road, nearest crossroad, nearest major road, nearest
town, current time, ETA, current speed, elevation, or heading.