Issue Date. Optional. Enter the date that the access control card for the keyholder will
become valid. Default is current system date. Note that a future date will not permit access
until that date is reached.
Issue Time. Optional. Enter the time that the access control card for the keyholder will
become valid. Note that this only applies with host access. Default is current system time.
Return Date. Optional—Recommended if keyholder is a visitor (see Visitor below). Enter
the final date that the keyholder's card will be valid. Default is ******** — No expiration date.
Return Time. Optional—Recommended if keyholder is a visitor (see Visitor below). Enter
the time on the final date that the keyholder's card will be valid. Default is blank—No
expiration time. Note that this only applies with host access.
Visitor. Recommended. A Y/N field indicating if the keyholder is a visitor. If Y, it is advisable
to enter a return date and time (previous fields). Note that this is listed for reference only.
Default is N.
Trace. Optional. A Y/N field indicating if the keyholder is to be monitored (movements traced
while in the building). Trace monitors doors, readers, and records. Using Trace causes an
extra key trace log message. This feature is sometimes desirable if the keyholder is a visitor
(see previous field). Default is N.
Privileged. Conditional. A Y / N field for ACUs supporting building modes and global anti-
passback. Enter Y if this keyholder can change building modes at a remote reader and is
immune from anti-passback. Default is N.
Personal Zone. If passback is in effect, the zone where the keyholder is currently located
and reported to the system by the reader last used by the keyholder. When setting up the
database, use the default (-1, unknown).
Vehicular Zone. The zone (car park) where the keyholder's vehicle is currently located;
reported to the system by the parking lot reader last used by the keyholder. When setting
up the database, use the default (-1, unknown).
Keyholder Entry—Page 2 [key1entr]
The data entered in this screen is for information only. Field entry is self-evident (field titles usr1
through usr6, and Remarks, can be changed to suit the individual user (see Section 6: System
Administration). Note that data is unique and not selected as table reference (see user-defined
field titles, reference 9). Simply complete those fields required by your company, store (F6), then
press F2 to display the access assignment screen [empgentr].