
Section 4: Master File Entry 4-49
Read Range. Controls the maximum read range available with the particular digital reader.
The range is 0—255; default is 255.
Number of Reads. Controls the number of additional verification reads of a single key within
the sensor’s range before declaring the key valid. The range is 0—255; default is 1.
Read Time. Controls the amount of time that the reader retains the key number in memory
after the key is removed from the sensor’s read range. The valid range is 0—65535 clock
ticks (100 clock ticks is equal to 1 second); default is 100.
LED and Beeper Setup. Beeper, Red LED, and Green LED on-time, off-time, and duration.
Override the default operation of the beeper, Red LED, and Green LED on the digital key
reader in response to a valid key read. The valid range for on-time, off-time, and duration
is 0-65535 clock ticks. The default is 0 (uses factory-set predefined behavior).
Certain field titles on the keyholder record screens can be changed to suit the individual SE 6000
owner. Since keyholder records may be considered the primary data items for an access control
system, many SE 6000 owners use the field title change feature to tailor the system to their precise
requirements (these fields are provided for informational purposes and for use as report selection
criteria, and have no effect on system processing).
The field titles are changed with the control file maintenance feature accessed from the System
Administration menu (see Section 6: System Administration):
The user-defined information selection here in the master file entry menu is used to assign
descriptions to these fields. A sample screen follows: Note that a description of "unused" will skip
the field during keyholder file maintenance.