Review Transactions Function Keys
F2 BACKWARD. Page backward through the transactions.
F3 FORWARD. Page forward through the transactions.
F4 OLDEST. Go to first transaction.
F5 LATEST. Go to last transaction.
The system emits beeps when an alarm occurs, and displays the number of pending and active
alarm data in the upper-right corner of the monitor menu screen: Pending—alarm condition no
longer occurring but not yet formally resolved. Active—alarm condition still occurring. Begin
resolving alarms using the alarm servicing screen:
Alarm Servicing Function Keys
F2 VIEW MAP. Press F2 to display a map showing alarm location. Location indicated by the point
ID in a red rectangle (other map symbols do not display when an alarm is triggered).
F3 INSTRUCT. Instructions—Press F3 to display a list of actions to take in response to the alarm.
F4 RESPONSE. Press F4 to display the alarm response entry screen. First enter Y or N in the
situation resolved field (Y cannot be entered if the alarm is still occurring—take action to halt the
alarm condition), then enter the actions taken. A printable record of these actions is written to disk
(see Section 3: Alarm Servicing Report).
F5 FAST ACK. Fast Acknowledge—Press F5 and the alarm is considered resolved (use with
caution because this does not allow entry of operator response to an alarm).
F6 SIL ALL. Silence All—Press F6 to silence beeping at all terminals.
System activity can be monitored using the system map function (created using the DRAWMAPS
function—see Section 4: Maps). The maps display triggered alarms (icon displays in red; goes
to yellow when pending), door status (message displays), device shunt status (message displays),
door unlocks (icon goes from black to white).