
Digital Key Reader. Reads the unique number of 1 to 5 digital command keys simultaneously
at a range of up to 36 inches.
Keypad Controllers. The keypad controllers, normally used in conjunction with an ACU, provide
additional security by requiring a personal identification number (PIN) entry.
Magnetic Card Readers. Reads the card number from information coded into the magnetic strip
on the card. Card must be moved physically through the reader to work.
Readers (also called Sensors). These units electronically read the security key presented and
transmit the data to the ACU. Three reader types are used: Proximity; Magnetic Stripe; Wiegand.
Alarm Contacts. These devices monitor simple contact inputs, and control outputs and switches
with contact closures for alarm monitoring, elevator control, camera switching, and other tasks.
Contact Alarms. Simple dry-contact switches indicating if a contact is open or closed.
Door switches. The computer controls only the lock power to the door, and the door switches
are the contact points which inform the computer whether a specific door is open or closed. Each
door switch is assigned to a specific reader.
Fire Alarms / Heat Sensors. Data from smoke detectors and heat sensors can be sent to the
computer to alert it to alarm conditions. Although fire alarm systems are generally separate from
access control systems, the computer can be used to provide enhanced response capabilities.
Intrusion Devices. Taut wire fence, infrared detectors, field-disturbance detectors and other
device types can alert the computer to the presence of personnel in unauthorized areas.
Motion Sensors. Detect physical movement in an area. Can be used to tell the computer that
someone wants to exit (go through a door from the uncontrolled side), or to protect secure areas.
Video Monitor Switchers. The computer routes the signal from a particular video camera to a
specific monitor based on conditions in that area. For example, if the computer detects an open
rear door, it can display the camera output at that door on the terminal at the security desk.