
Status Screen Function Timeout
Some system functions temporarily disable the realtime display until the sub-menu is exited. The
status screen function Timeout feature provides a user-defined method for controlling the length
of time that the realtime display is disabled. If the system does not detect any keyboard or mouse
activity for the number of seconds defined by the TIMEOUT parameter, the monitor program
returns to the previous menu and resumes realtime display.
This feature uses the parameter file $DATAPATH/MONITOR, with the control parameter
TIMEOUT having a numeric value in seconds:
Parameter Default Condition
Parameter missing TIMEOUT defaults to 0—feature disabled
TIMEOUT=0 Feature disabled
TIMEOUT=n Feature enabled using the numeric value n (five digits maximum)
TIMEOUT=600 Feature enabled using the numeric value 600—600 seconds, default
1. The control parameter is read by the monitor program at log-on time and remains in effect
as long as the monitor program is active. A change to the Timeout value does not take effect
until the user logs off, and then logs back on to the system (reboot not required).
2. This feature is operational with the following screens:
A. The device communication function of the control pollers screen (see Pollers in this
B. The device status function of the control devices screen (see Devices in this section).
Alarm Servicing — No Activity Timeout
This feature controls how long the alarm servicing screen displays when there is no keyboard or
mouse activity. On Timeout, the system exits the alarm servicing program and returns to the
realtime display of system events.
This feature uses the $DATAPATH/ALARMSRV parameter file, with the control parameter
TIMEOUT having a numeric value in seconds: Acceptable values are:
Parameter Default Condition
Parameter missing TIMEOUT defaults to 0—feature disabled
TIMEOUT=0 Feature disabled
TIMEOUT=n Feature enabled using the numeric value n (five digits maximum)
TIMEOUT=600 Feature enabled using the numeric value 600—600 seconds, default