Log off the SE 6000 system formally before you leave the terminal. If you do not log off, any action
taken by the next person at the terminal will appear under your name.
Always use the following procedures, in the order given, when powering off the SE 6000:
1. Go to the main system terminal (system console). This terminal has overall computer control
and displays all system messages.
2. Log off the system using the procedures given in the previous subsection.
3. Log in using the SHUTDOWN login. Your system administrator will provide you with the
password. If other users are still logged on, you may have to press Enter to continue the shut
down process which will forcibly log off other users.
Step 3 automatically shuts down the SE 6000 system in an orderly way. The last message
displayed when the internal shutdown procedures have completed is Safe to Power Off or Press
any Key to Reboot. It is now safe to power off the computer. To restart the computer, press any
key and follow the instructions in the following subsection.
Use one of the following methods, Automatic or Manual, when powering on the SE 6000 (the
shutdown / restart process is also known as rebooting the computer).
Automatic Restart
The SE 6000 has an automatic restart capability that reboots the system in the event of a power
interruption. If unattended, the Boot prompt displays for 30 seconds, then the auto-boot function
reloads the operating system and restarts the application including the pollers.
Manual Restart
1. Turn the power on; the computer displays Boot. Press Enter to continue.
2. After various messages, the computer displays Type Control-d to Proceed with Normal
Startup (or give root password for system maintenance). Press and hold the Ctrl key, and
press the d key (lowercase).