Using a Quantum 984 HSBY System
840 USE 106 00 January 2003 91
A Software Control Example
Using Software
For example: you enabled the keyswitch override and set the operating mode of
controller B to Offline. Now the system is powered up and you want to put controller
B in RUN mode.
The keyswitch does not work, so you must rely on user logic.
There are three ways you can proceed:
Option 1 Change the setting on the Hot Standby dialog. To do this, you must shut
down the system and make the necessary change in the dialog, then
power up the system again. Download the new configuration.
Option 2 Connect Concept to your Primary controller. Call up the reference data editor
(RDE). Place the Hot Standby command register and the Hot Standby status
register in the RDE. The operating mode of controller B is determined by the
state of bit 14 of the command register. If controller B is offline, bit 14 is set to
0. To put the controller in RUN mode, change the state of bit 14 to 1. Controller
B immediately goes into RUN mode if all other HSBY requirements are healthy.
Option 3 If you have programmed a CHS instruction into the ladder logic: Connect
Concept to your Primary controller. In the editor, place the cursor on the top
node of the CHS instruction and invoke the Zoom screen (CTRL+D). Check the
Run Mode checkbox for parameter Contoller B in Run Mode and controller B
immediately goes into RUN mode.The advantage of options 2 and 3 is that the
Hot Standby system does not have to be shut down in order to change its
status. If you find the use of the Zoom screen more comfortable than the RDE,
consider programming a CHS instruction into ladder logic for purposes such as