Theory of 984 HSBY Operation
840 USE 106 00 January 2003
Default Transfer Area
By default, the Hot Standby system automatically transfers the following from the
Primary to the Standby controller on every scan:
The first 8192 points of 0x output reference data
The first 8192 points of 1x input reference data
A total of 10K registers, of which 1K is allotted for 3x registers and 9K is allotted
for 4x registers.
In any case, the number of 4x registers transferred is a multiple of 16 unless all 4x
registers have been included. The number of 4x registers may slightly exceed the
allotment in order to reach the next highest multiple of 16.
Any state RAM values above the limits shown in the following diagram are not
included in the state RAM transfer area and therefore are not shared with the
Standby controller. The state RAM values in the range above these limits must not
contain the command register or control critical I/O.