Overview of Quantum Hot Standby
840 USE 106 00 January 2003 27
984 HSBY
984HSBY In a 984 HSBY system, the user application is written in 984 ladder logic.
HSBY mode can be activated by implementation of a CHS loadable function block
into logic, like the earlier PLC systems used the "HSBY" loadable function block. 984
HSBY may also be activated as a configuration extension that allows additional
features to be configured. For details refer to
Using a Quantum 984 HSBY System,
p. 67
Architecture Quantum 984 Hot Standby involves:
Concept Version 2.1 or greater, Modsoft Version 2.3 or greater, Proworx Version
1.5 or greater
All Quantum Controllers
The existing CHS Modules and Execs (CHS 110 00)
Changes to the running application are possible only by download changes to the
Primary controller, whereby the Standby goes offline until it gets updated again by
using the UPDATE push button (refer to
Replacement, p. 192
Minimum Module Versions to Support 984 HSBY
Module Version PV / SV
140 CPU x13 0x 2.1 All
140 CPU 424 02 2.1 All
140 CPU x34 1x All All
140 CRP 93x 00 2.1 All
140 NOM 2xx 00 2.1 All