Overview of Quantum Hot Standby
840 USE 106 00 January 2003 29
Architecture As shown below, Quantum IEC Hot Standby involves:
Concept Version 2.1 or greater
Two High End Quantum Controllers (CPU 434 12 or CPU 534 14)
The existing CHS Modules and Execs (CHS 110 00). The existing RIO Heads
with version 2.0 Execs or greater (CRP 93x).
All five IEC 1131 languages can be used, however 984 Ladder Logic cannot be
The following diagram shows the Quantum IEC Hot Standby Architecture
With Concept 2.1/2.2, changes to the running application are possible only by
download changes to the Primary controller, whereby the Standby controller goes
offline until it gets updated again by using the UPDATE push button (refer to
Updating PLC System Executives in an IEC HSBY System, p. 200
). Concept 2.5
supports the Logic Mismatch option on the Hot Standby Configuration Extension
which allows the Standby controller to remain online with a different program than
the Primary controller.
Note: Unlike Concept 2.1, with Concept 2.2/2.5 it is possible to make changes to
the IEC logic offline and download them as online changes later. It is not necessary
to be connected to the controller at the time of editing the IEC logic.
Quantum IEC Hot Standby Architecture