Theory of IEC HSBY Operation
840 USE 106 00 January 2003
How an IEC HSBY System Works
IEC Theory Both the Primary and the Standby backplanes contain a CHS 110 Hot Standby
module. The modules monitor their own controller CPU and communicate with each
other via fiber link. The Primary controller keeps the Standby informed of the current
state of the application by transferring state RAM values to the Standby controller
during every logic scan. RIO head communications are also verified.
State RAM
A Hot Standby system transfers state RAM data from the Primary to the Standby
controller while the Primary controller scans and solves the IEC logic application
program. There are three steps in the transfer process:
State RAM
State RAM
Transfer Initiated
The state RAM transfer operation is initiated by the Primary CHS 110 Hot Standby
module. The module requests specified state RAM information from the Primary
At the beginning of each scan, the Primary controller transfers the current state RAM
data to the CHS 110 Hot Standby module.
As soon as the controller-to-CHS 110 transfer finishes, the Primary controller
resumes scanning user logic and servicing I/O. The state RAM data is
simultaneously transferred from the Primary CHS 110 module to the Standby CHS
110 module over the fiber optic link at a rate of 10 megabaud. In turn, the Standby
CHS 110 module transfers the state RAM data to the Standby controller.
Stage Description
1 Primary controller-to-Primary CHS 110 state RAM transfer.
2 Primary CHS 110-to-Standby CHS 110 state RAM transfer.
3 Standby CHS 110-to-Standby controller state RAM transfer.
Note: Schneider Electric defines State RAM as RAM memory that is used to hold
register and discrete inputs and outputs and internal data storage. State RAM is
allocated to the four different reference types: 0xxxx, 1xxxx, 3xxxx, and 4xxxx.