Using a Quantum 984 HSBY System
840 USE 106 00 January 2003
Configuring 984 HSBY
CHS software To configure a 984 HSBY system, you must load the CHS software into the
controllers. The software is included on a diskette in the Hot Standby kit. Once you
have loaded the software, you can choose how to proceed. You may control your
Hot Standby system through ladder logic or you can use a configuration extension.
The logic in the CHS loadable is the engine that drives the Hot Standby capability in
a Quantum control system. The CHS loadable gives you the ability to:
specify the Hot Standby command register, which is used to configure and control
Hot Standby system parameters
define a Hot Standby status register, which can be used to monitor the real
machine status of the system
implement a CHS instruction in ladder logic
Unlike HSBY (a comparable loadable used for Hot Standby configurations in 984
controllers), the CHS instruction does not have to be placed in a ladder logic
program. However, the CHS software must be loaded into the Quantum controller
in order for a Hot Standby system to be supported.
Installing the
CHS loadable
into the 984
The following steps are only necessary if the CHS loadable is not already part of
your 984 installation. The CHS loadable is provided on a 3 1/2 diskette
(140 SHS 945 00) as part of your 140 CHS 210 00 Hot Standby kit. The file is named
QCHSVxxx.DAT, where xxx is the three-digit version number of the software.
Modsoft If you are using Modsoft, refer to the
Modicon Quantum Hot Standby System
Planning and Installation Guide
, 840 USE 106 00 Version 1, Paragraph 5.1.1.
Step Action
1 Insert the diskette in the disk drive.
2 Either create a new Concept project or open an existing one and have a PLC
3 With the menu command Project Configurator, open the configurator.
4 With Configure Loadables, open the dialog box Loadables.
5 Press the command button Unpack to open the standard Windows dialog box,
Unpack Loadable File. Select the loadable file, click the button OK and it is
inserted into the list box Available.