2000-A2-GB20-10 - 11 - February 2004
switch, located on the back panel. This starts the IAD and it executes
the boot process to begin normal operation.
2. Verify that the Power indicator on the front panel illuminates.
Log in via a Terminal Emulation Program
With a serial cable connected, follow these steps to log in to the IAD:
1. Open a terminal emulation program (Hyperterminal, for example).
2. Select the COM port to which the IAD is connected.
3. Type or select the following settings and save your changes.
4. Press Enter. The IAD displays the log in message:
Enter Login ID >
5. Type the default supervisor level user ID (Supervisor) (or your user
ID if changed) and press Enter. Note that both the user ID and
password are case-sensitive.
Table 2–2 below lists the default user IDs and passwords.
For information on security levels, and user ID and password management
see IAD Security on page 23.
6. The IAD displays the password message:
Enter Password >
7. Type the default password (supervisor, or your password if
different) and press Enter.
8. If log in is not successful, the IAD displays the following message:
Invalid UserID or Password - Try again
Press any key to continue...
As the IAD boots, it sends status messages to the console
port. If you are connected, you will see the boot sequence
Table 2–1. Terminal Emulator Settings
Setting Value Setting Value
Bits per second 19,200
Stop bits 1
Data bits 8
Flow control None
Parity None
Emulation ANSI or VT100
If the IAD does not respond, make sure the IAD is powered
up, check the cable and connections, and review the settings.
Table 2–2. Default IAD User IDs and Passwords
Security Level User ID Password
User <enter> <Enter>
NetMan <Enter>
Supervisor Supervisor supervisor