2000-A2-GB20-10 - 115 - February 2004
Deleting an IP Filter
To delete a filter from the IP Filter table, toggle input or output filters
(Option T on the IP Filtering Configuration menu) and follow these steps:
1. On the IP Filtering Configuration menu, type X to select Delete one
filter of the chosen type.
2. The IAD displays the filter table for this interface and prompts for a filter
number to delete.
T1/E1 Output Filters: Enabled
num state action srcLwP srcHiP src.ip.add.low src.ip.add.hi QoS
proto mask dstLwP dstHiP dst.ip.add.low dst.ip.add.hi Level
0 Idle Pass 0 65535 5
TCP 0H 0 65535 0
Type the filter number to delete and press Enter.
3. The IAD permanently removes the filter from the table, and displays
the IP Filtering Configuration menu.
4. Continue with other configuration tasks, or press Escape to return to
the Router Configuration menu.
5. Reset the IAD (page 14) when you finish IP filter configuration.
Deleting All Filters of the Chosen Type
To delete all filters from the IP Filter table, toggle input or output filters
(Option T on the IP Filtering Configuration menu) and follow these steps:
1. On the IP Filtering Configuration menu, type Z to select Delete all
filters of the chosen type.
2. The IAD displays a confirmation prompt:
Are you sure you want to delete all filters? (y/n):
Type Y to confirm and press Enter.
3. The IAD permanently removes all filters from the table, and displays
the IP Filtering Configuration menu.
4. Continue with other configuration tasks, or press Escape to return to
the Router Configuration menu.
5. Reset the IAD (page 14) when you finish IP filter configuration.
Showing IP Filtering Statistics
To show IP filtering statistics for this interface, type S on the IP Filtering
Configuration menu.
The IAD displays the total input and output data packets filtered:
Filter 0: -- output hits = 0
Total packets filtered: input = 0, output = 0
Press ’Y’ to clear the stats, ESC to exit, or any other
key to display...
When you’re done, type Y to reset the statistics, or press any other key to
display the IP Filtering Configuration menu.
Clearing IP Filtering Statistics
To reset the IP filtering statistics command, type Y on the IP Filtering
Configuration menu. The IAD resets the statistics to zero and displays the
IP Filtering Configuration menu.