2000-A2-GB20-10 - 148 - February 2004
1. Type P to enable and disable ports.
2. The IAD displays the port control prompt:
Port Control x(10011001):
Enter a zero (0) in each port location to disable the port; enter a 1 in
each port location to enable the port. Press Enter to complete the step.
3. The IAD displays the AAL2/LES Manual Configuration menu.
4. Reset the IAD (page 14) when you finish voice path configuration.
Setting the CAS Refresh Rate
1. Type R to set the CAS refresh rate.
2. The IAD displays this prompt:
New CAS refreshing rate in seconds (0 to DISABLE):
Enter a zero (0) to disable CAS refresh, or enable CAS refresh by
entering a non-zero refresh rate value.
3. The IAD displays the AAL2/LES Manual Configuration menu.
4. You must reset the IAD (page 14) before enabling Idle CAS refresh.
Enabling and Disabling Idle CAS Refreshing
1. Type I to enable or disable idle CAS refreshing. You can only enable
idle CAS refresh when CAS refresh is enabled (immediately
2. Type E to enable Idle CAS refresh, or D to disable Idle CAS refresh.
3. The IAD displays the AAL2/LES Manual Configuration menu, and
indicates in the message section that the change in the Idle CAS
refresh will take place when the IAD is reset.
4. Reset the IAD (page 14) when you finish voice path configuration.
Changing the Maximum CPS-SDU Size
1. Type S to switch the maximum CPS payload size between 45 and 64
2. The IAD displays the AAL2/LES Manual Configuration menu. Included
in the settings is a payload size message indicating 45 or 64 octets.
3. Reset the IAD (page 14) when you finish voice path configuration.
Setting the Combined Use Timer
1. Type T to modify the combined use timer (in 5 ms increments). The
IAD displays this prompt:
New "Combined Use" timer period in 5ms increment:
Type the new timer period and press Enter.
2. The IAD updates the setting and displays the menu.
3. Reset the IAD (page 14) when you finish voice path configuration.
Enabling and Disabling User State Control
1. Type U to enable or disable user state control by toggling the state.
2. The IAD displays the AAL2/LES Manual Configuration menu. Included
in the settings is a USC message indicating that it is enabled or
3. Reset the IAD (page 14) when you finish voice path configuration.
Enabling and Disabling Dialed Digit
1. Type D to enable or disable dialed digit by toggling the state.