2000-A2-GB20-10 - 81 - February 2004
RFC 1877 DNS Server Assignment for T1/E1, Port 1 is
currently ENABLED
Enter E to Enable, D to Disable:
Type E to enable, or D to disable the DNS server assignment for T1 on
this port.
6. The IAD reports the change, displays the status of the DNS server
assignment for the port, and prompts you to enable or disable it:
RFC 1877 Client configuration unchanged.
Cisco 6400 IP Mask Assignment for T1/E1, Port 1 is
currently ENABLED
Enter E to Enable, D to Disable:
Type E to enable, or D to disable the IP mask assignment for T1 on this
7. The IAD transfers the IP address and mask assigned to a WAN port to
a LAN port.
8. The IAD displays the ATM Service Category Configuration menu:
Figure 4β46. ATM Encapsulation Configuration Menu
Type 1 to select CBR for high priority data
Type 2 to select UBR for low priority data.
9. The IAD displays the Peak Cell Rate Configuration menu:
Figure 4β47. ATM PCR Configuration Menu
Type the PCR value or press Enter to set the PCR to the maximum
rate for the current line speed.
10. The IAD saves the configuration and displays the ATM PVC
Configuration menu.
ATM Service Category Configuration
Current Encapsulation: NONE
1. CBR
2. UBR
ATM Peak Cell Rate (PCR) Configuration
Current line speed for this interface is 1544000 bps
Please type a PCR value, or
Press ENTER to accept allowed maximum PCR value for
this line speed
Enter Peak Cell Rate (PCR) [3641 cells per second]: