2000-A2-GB20-10 - 191 - February 2004
- bad checksums Checksum value in TCP header is incorrect.
- with headers too small Size of the TCP header is less than 20 bytes.
- packets smaller than
Packet size is less than the TCP header size.
- packets larger than frame Packet is larger than the internal packet buffer.
- acks for unsent data Unacceptable/invalid/unsent acknowledge number
in the TCP header.
- with data outside window The remote host has sent data beyond the window
that the software could advertise.
- with data after close TCP packets received in a Closed state/connection.
segments with data Total segments received, including those received
in error. This count includes segments received on
currently established connections.
segments with duplicate
No. of segments received with duplicate data.
segments with only an
Not used
segments with a duplicate
Not used
segments with a RST No. of segments received with the RST (Reset)
Flag bit on in the TCP header.
window probes Not used
window updates Not used
Sent Packet Information
packets sent Total TCP packets sent.
discarded for lack of
Discarded transmitted packets due to lack of
resources: kernel memory or packet buffers.
discarded due to internal
Discarded transmitted packets due to internal
software errors.
with illegal destination port Destination port field value in TCP header is illegal.
segments with data Total segments sent.
segments with
retransmitted data
No. of retransmitted TCP data packet.
segments with only an
Not used
segments with a delayed
Not used
segments with a RST No. of unsolicited reset (RST) segment sent.
window probes Not used
window updates Not used
active opens No. of TCP connections opened.
passive opens No. of TCP passive connections opened.
connections currently
No. of TCP connections currently established.
Table 12–6. TCP Statistics Report
Parameter Description