2000-A2-GB20-10 - 277 - February 2004
reports, list of 181
reset system CLI command 224
reset, performing hard 37
Reverse Path Forwarding 165
RFC 1483
setting in PVC 79
RFC 2364, setting in PVC 80
ring test 239
enabling and disabling 101
enabling globally 101
version, setting 102
RIP Poisoned Reverse
enabling and disabling 101
connecting to IAD (16/24-port) 21
Route Table report 217
route table, displaying 116
basic setup tasks 97
configuration 13
configuration chart 97
configuration, generally 98
full-duplex Ethernet option 34
Router Configuration menu 98
Router Modification menu 103
RS-232 console port 4, 7
see also console port
RS-449 7
USI port pinouts 267
RS-530 7
setting for USI port 36
USI port pinouts 267
observing xii
to be posted xii
S-Bits menu 73
S-Bits, configuring for E1 72
connecting to IAD 20
diagnostics 242
SDSL auto cycle speed table 63
SDSL Configuration menu 61
SDSL Diagnostics menu 242
SDSL interface mode, setting 63
SDSL interface, configuring 59
SDSL speed, setting for IMAS DSLAM 63
SDSL speed, setting manually 63
security level
default passwords for 24
privileges 23
Select Tx Clock Source menu 70
Serial Statistics report 207
set bridge global CLI command 224
set bridge stp global CLI command 225
set dhcp server dns CLI command 225
set dhcp server domain CLI command 225
set dhcp server enable CLI command 225
set dhcp server gateway CLI command 225
set dhcp server netbios CLI command 225
set dhcp server range CLI command 226
set dhcp server subnet CLI command 225
set dns server address CLI command 226
set ip default route CLI command 226
set ip route CLI command 226
set lan bridge CLI command 227
set lan ip address CLI command 227
set lan rip CLI command 228
set lan stp bridge CLI command 228
set mgcp bracketing CLI command 228
set mgcp listening port CLI command 228
set mgcp signaling connection CLI Command 229
set mgcp signaling port CLI Command 229
set mgcp signaling tos CLI Command 229
set mgcp voice connection CLI Command 229
set mgcp voice tos CLI Command 230
set nat CLI Command 230
set sdsl speed CLI Command 231
set system defaults CLI Command 231
set wan atm ppp auth CLI Command 231
set wan atm vc CLI Command 232
set wan datalink CLI Command 233
set wan framerelay CLI Command 233
set wan ip address CLI Command 234
set wan rip CLI Command 235
set wan stp bridge CLI Command 234
show configuration CLI Command 235
show dhcp server configuration CLI Command 235
show ip routes CLI Command 235
SLIC control mode
setting 132
SLIC Control Mode Selection menu 132
SLIC ports xii
SLIC, testing 239
disabling for IP and EOC 29
enabling and disabling via EOC 29
enabling and disabling via IP 29
enabling for IP and EOC 29
MIB support for 28
setting up 28
System Community, configuring 30
System Contact, configuring 29
System Location, configuring 30
System Name, configuring 30
Trap Host IP address, configuring 30
SNMP configuration menu 28
SNMP over EOC (AAL2/LES) 28
SNMP Traps 31
SNMP traps 28
SNMP traps, restart max delay 31
Spanning Tree Bridge priority, configuring 124
specifications 254
start mode
configuring per port 131
displaying 131
ground start 131
loop start 131
setting 130
Start Mode Selection menu 130
static route
adding 103
generally 103
removing 105
enabling and disabling by port 123
enabling and disabling globally 123
STP debug mode, enabling and disabling 42
sync delay, setting in Lucent DSLAM 62
system defaults, setting 37