How to send a distress alert
Below is the procedure for transmitting a distress alert via radiotelephone. Transmit the distress
alert when a life-endangering situation occurs on your vessel.
1. Open the DISTRESS key cover then press and hold the DISTRESS key for four seconds. The
following screen appears.
2. When the message "Sending DISTRESS ALERT." appears on the screen, release the DIS-
TRESS key. The audio alarm sounds for two seconds.
After the distress alert has been sent, the following screens appear in order.
3. The audio alarm sounds. Press the CANCEL key to silence the audio alarm.
4. Communicate with the coast station via radiotelephone (CH16) as below.
a) Say “MAYDAY” three times.
b) Say “This is ...” name of your ship and call sign three times.
c) Give nature of distress and assistance needed.
d) Give description of your ship (type, color, number of persons onboard, etc.).
Note: If you do not receive the distress alert acknowledge call, the equipment automatically re-
transmits the distress alert after 3 min 30 seconds to 4 min 30 seconds. Then the equipment
awaits the distress alert acknowledge call. This is repeated until the distress alert is acknowl-
Countdown message
When distress
call is received
by coast station