10. Rotate the CHANNEL/ENTER knob to select [EPFS], [MANUAL] or [NO INFO]
then push the knob. For [MANUAL], go to step 11. For others, go to step 12.
11. Use the numeric keys to enter latitude and longitude of the ship in distress. (If nec-
essary, switch coordinates: 1 key to switch to North (East); 2 key to switch to
South (West).) Push the CHANNEL/ENTER knob. Also, enter the UTC time then
push the CHANNEL/ENTER knob.
12. With [GO TO CALL] selected, push the CHANNEL/ENTER knob. The distress re-
lay is transmitted. After transmitting, the WAIT FOR ACK screen appears. The
elapsed time since transmitting is displayed.
When you receive the distress relay individual acknowledgement from the coast sta-
tion, the audio alarm sounds and the pop-up message "RELAY INDIVIDUAL ACK re-
ceived! [CANCEL]: Stop alarm" appears.
Press the CANCEL key to silence the alarm and erase the pop-up message. Commu-
nicate with the coast station by telephone. To close the distress receiving session, se-
lect [QUIT] in the user options area then push the CHANNEL/ENTER knob.
3.3.2 How to send a distress relay to all ships
If a coast station directs you to send a distress relay to all ships in your area, follow
the procedure below. Do not transmit a distress relay unless directed to do so by a
coast station.
1. Press the DISTRESS MSG key and the OTHER DSC MSG key simultaneously to
open the composing screen for the distress relay individual.