A Word to the Owner of the FM-8900S
Congratulations on your choice of the FURUNO FM-8900S VHF Radiotelephone. We are confi-
dent you will see why the FURUNO name has become synonymous with quality and reliability.
Since 1948, FURUNO Electric Company has enjoyed an enviable reputation for innovative and
dependable marine electronics equipment. This dedication to excellence is furthered by our ex-
tensive global network of agents and dealers.
Your equipment is designed and constructed to meet the rigorous demands of the marine envi-
ronment. However, no machine can perform its intended function unless properly installed and
maintained. Please carefully read and follow the operation and maintenance procedures set forth
in this manual.
We would appreciate feedback from you, the end-user, about whether we are achieving our pur-
Thank you for considering and purchasing FURUNO equipment.
The FM-8900S is a cost-effective all-in-one marine VHF radio system consisting of a 25 W VHF
radiotelephone, a DSC modem, and a CH70 watchkeeping receiver. It complies with GMDSS car-
riage requirements for safety and general communications.
The FM-8900S offers semi-duplex voice communication on ITU channels in the marine mobile
VHF band. The features include Scanning Dual Channels (DW) which allows a continuous watch
on CH16 and another selected frequency.
Data is displayed on a large, easy-to-read color LCD. Operation is simplified by the use of few
keys and easy-to-follow menus.
The built-in DSC function produces and receives digital selective callings for quick and efficient
establishment of distress, urgency, safety and routine communications with other ships and coast
stations that install any VHF DSC facilities.
Full Class-A DSC functions are provided for distress alert transmission and reception, as well as
the general call formats (Individual telephone, All Ships, and Group call). Distress alert can be
readily transmitted but an arrangement is provided to prevent accidental activation. The FM-
8900S maintains a continuous watch on CH70 even while another VHF channel is in use. Aural
and visual alarms are given to incoming DSC messages.
The main features are
• Fully meets the following regulations: EN 300 698-1, EN 301 925, ITU-R M.493-13,
ITU-R M.541-9, ITU-R M.689-2, EN 300 338-1, EN 300 338-2.
• Automatic entry of position with manual override
• Optional printer can automatically print out DSC received messages and test results.