1.4 How to Adjust the Brilliance of the Display and
You can adjust the brilliance of the display and the panel for transceiver unit.
1. Press the BRILL key to show the [BRILL LEVEL
SETUP] window.
If necessary, press the 1 key to switch the [DAY/
NIGHT] mode.
Note: When switching the [DAY/NIGHT] mode
with the 1 key, the [BRILL LEVEL SETUP] win-
dow closes. Press the BRILL key again to show the window.
2. To adjust the [DISPLAY] brilliance, rotate the CHANNEL/ENTER knob or press
the BRILL key. (Default setting: 17 for [DAY], 7 for [NIGHT])
3. To adjust the [PANEL] brilliance, press the 4 (decrease the setting) or 6 (increase
the setting) key. (Default setting: 17 for [DAY], 12 for [NIGHT])
4. Push the CHANNEL/ENTER knob to save the settings and close the window. To
cancel the settings, press the CANCEL key instead of the CHANNEL/ENTER
knob to close the window.
Note 1: The equipment keeps values for [DAY] and [NIGHT] separately.
Note 2: The window closes automatically when there is no operation for four seconds.
Note 3: When you turn on the power with the display brilliance set to 0, the setting au-
tomatically changes to 1.
1.5 How to Select the Channel Region, Channel
Channel region
You can select the channel region by the RT/REGION key or the [REGION] menu.
By the
1. Press the RT/REGION key to open the [REGION] option on the RT
2. Rotate the CHANNEL/ENTER knob to select the channel region de-
sired then push the knob.
10 Channel type ([SIMP]: Simplex, [DUP]: Duplex)
11 Guidance: Rotate the CHANNEL/ENTER knob to select channel.
12 Guidance: Press the TAB key to switch the session.
13 Own ship’s position (LAT: Latitude, LON: Longitude)
Method of data input
[EPFS DATA]: The position and time data from EPFS.
[EPFS (OFFLINE)]: Indicates no position data from EPFS for ten minutes.
[EPFS (OLD)]: Indicates no position data from EPFS for four hours.
[MANUAL INPUT]: Set the position and time data manually.
[NO INFO]: No position and time data.
15 Time (UTC: universal time coordinated) of the position fix
No. Meaning