Distress operation overview
1. Press the DISTRESS key.
2. Wait for the distress alert acknowledgement.
3. Communicate with the coast station.
3.1 How to Send a Distress Alert
GMDSS ships carry a DSC terminal with which to transmit the distress alert in the
event of a life-endangering situation. A coast station receives the distress alert and
sends the distress alert acknowledge call to the ship in distress. Then, voice commu-
nication between the ship in distress and coast station begins. Transmission of the dis-
tress alert and receiving of the distress alert acknowledgement are completely
automatic - simply press the DISTRESS key to initiate the sequence.
Note: After sending the distress alert, the terminal which its PTT switch is pressed first
has top priority.
3.1.1 How to send a distress alert by DISTRESS key with distress in-
formation not edited
1. Open the DISTRESS key cover then press and hold the DISTRESS key for four
seconds. The audio alarm sounds while pressing the key, and the key flashes in
red. The countdown message appears on the screen while pressing the DIS-
TRESS key (3s → 2s → 1s → 0s).
Ship in distress
(Your ship)
(1) Ship in distress sends Distress Alert.
(2) Coast station sends distress acknowledgement (DIST ACK).
(3) Voice communication between ship in distress and coast station.
Countdown message