8. With [GO TO CALL] selected, push the CHANNEL/ENTER knob to send the
PSTN call. After the call has been sent, the WAIT FOR ACK screen appears. The
elapsed time since sending the call and the countdown for resending are dis-
When you receive an acknowledge message, a pop-up message appears.
Note: The time period of countdown for resending is five seconds. After five sec-
onds have passed, the call is resent. After five seconds have passed since re-
sending the call, the pop-up message for time out or no response appears.
9. Do one of the following depending on ACK message.
Able acknowledge message received
If the PSTN call is accepted, the PSTN connection call is sent. When you receive the
PSTN ACK message, the pop-up message "PSTN connected. Pick up HANDSET" ap-
pears and the audio alarm sounds. The communication channel changes.
Note: If you have already picked up the handset before the pop-up message appears,
a pop-up message which suggests you to push the CHANNEL/ENTER knob appears.
Push the CHANNEL/ENTER knob to accept.
1. Pick up the handset and communicate with the party you called. The elapsed time
since starting communication is displayed.
2. To quit the communications, do one of the following.
• On hook the handset. END OF CALL is sent automatically. The waiting ACK for
END OF CALL screen appears. When you receive the ACK, rotate the CHAN-
NEL/ENTER knob to select [QUIT] then push the knob.
Note: Be sure to on hook the handset to quit the communication so as not to
incur further charges.
• When the PSTN line is disconnected by the coast station, you receive the END
OF CALL ACK message. Rotate the CHANNEL/ENTER knob to select [QUIT]
then push the knob.
Unable acknowledge message received
When you receive an unable acknowledge message, the audio alarm sounds and a
pop-up message appears. Rotate the CHANNEL/ENTER knob to select [QUIT] then
push the knob.