84 Index
Exif Print
description, 8
printing photos with, 24 to 25
External devices
connecting, 14 to 15
saving photos to, 16
Faint images, 67
FCC, 78
Flip Horizontal setting, 69
Full bleed printing, 38 to 41
Glossy papers, 19, 22, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41
Grainy prints, 66
Head Cleaning utility, 50 to 51
Help, Epson, 73
High Speed setting, 65
characters, 70
colors, 67
margins, 69
Ink cartridge
level of ink in, 31, 36, 51
ordering, 52
replacing, 52 to 54
safety instructions, 53, 77
Ink Jet Transparencies, 37
Ink level, checking
Macintosh, 36
Windows, 31
without computer, 51
Inserting CD/DVD, 42 to 44
Installation problems, 63
Inverted image, 69
Jams, paper, 68
Layout problems, 70
Layout settings
Macintosh, 34, 36
Windows, 31
without a computer, 22 to 23
LCD panel
messages, 60 to 61
safety, 77
Luster Photo Paper, 37, 38
automatic mode, 33, 35
background printing, 36
basic printing, 32 to 34
cancelling printing, 34, 36
system requirements, 75
uninstalling software, 71 to 72
Maintaining printer, 49 to 56
Marginless printing, 38 to 41
Margins, incorrect, 69
Media Type setting
list of, 37
Mac OS 9, 35
Mac OS X, 33
Memory cards
backing up, 16
CompactFlash, 13
inserting, 13
Memory Stick, 13
Microdrive, 13
MMC (MultiMediaCard), 13
problems, 65
removing, 14, 18
SD (Secure Digital), 13
SmartMedia, 13
xD Picture Card, 13
Memory Stick, 13
Microdrive, 13
MicroWeave setting, 65
Mirror images, 69
MMC, 13