DSI SS7MD Programmer’s Manual Issue 3
QSAAL_MSG_CFG_LINK messages may be issued to the Q.SAAL module to modify timer configuration
parameters. Otherwise default timer values will be used.
• Timer_CC
Time between transmission of un-ack'ed BGN, END, ER, RS PDUs
• Timer_keep_alive
Time between keep alive messages.
• Timer_no_resp
Time interval during which a STAT PDU must be received, otherwise the link has failed
• Timer_poll
Poll timer interval
• Timer_idle
Maximum Idle phase time of an SSCOP connection
• Timer_T1
Time between link release and link re-establishment during alignment.
• Timer_T2
Maximum time to attempt link alignment.
• Timer_T3
Time between proving PDUs.
Note: The timers are specified in milliseconds.
Timer ID Default Value (ms) Range (min - max)
Timer CC 1500 15 - 2,500
Time_keep_alive 300 15 - 2,500
Timer_no_resp 1500 100 - 10,000
Timer_poll 100 20 - 600
Timer_idle 100 20 - 600
Timer T1 5000 1,000 - 20,000
Timer T2 120000 10,000 - 300,000
Timer T3 10 1 - 30