DSI SS7MD Programmer’s Manual Issue 3
The confirmation message (if requested) indicates success with a status value of 0. On receipt of the
confirmation message, the operation to reset the switch is completed.
6.3.6 MVD_MSG_SC_CONNECT – Connect Request
Message sent to the board to control the switch path.
This message is sent to the board to control the cross connect switch. Several different actions can be
performed depending on the value of the mode parameter. These include:
• Cross connect switch to CPU local bus stream connection
• Local bus to cross connect switch connection
• Duplex connection between cross connect switch and CPU local bus stream
• Duplex connection between local bus timeslots
Attempting to use this message in a run mode where the cross connect switch is disabled will result in a
failure return code.
The confirmation message (if requested) indicates success with a status value of 0.
Field Name Meaning
type MVD_MSG_SC_CONNECT (0x7e1f)
id 0
src Sending module ID
dst MVD_module_ID
rsp_req Used to request a confirmation.
hclass 0
status 0
err_info 0
len 16
Offset Size Name
0 2 local_stream
2 2 local_slot
6 2 source_stream
8 2 source_slot
10 2 dest_stream
12 2 dest_slot
14 2 Reserved. Must be set to 0.